Importance of prayers by Brother Derick

Importance of prayers by Brother Derick

Brother Derick teaching at GLMI Sunday service.

Praying to God without brake can impact our relationship with God in many ways.

There are many reasons people pray to God.

In addition to why you need prayers all the time and it importannce to you witch you already know some, I will elaborate on five importance of prayers in your Christian life today.

Importannce of prayers

1. It helps you overcome evil: When you pray, you will have the ability to overcome evil at anytime. You will also overcome temptation at anytime you pray. That's a prayerful man will hardly have time to preach evil.

2. To communicate with God: Psalms 121 ( pray all the time). When you pray, it gives room for you to chat with God dericly . It builds your faith and relationship with God.

3. To beg for forgiveness: Everyday we commits sins knowing and unknownlingly, Even the Bible says when we think evil, it is a sin. So the only way  to beg for forgiveness is via prayers but know that a willful sin might not be Forgiven.

4. To testify Jesus. When we pray and God answers our prayers, we give testimonies. From these testimonies, those who don't believe Jesus can start seeing his work on us and hence, join the work of God.

5. To participate in God's work: prayer can be your own way to participate in God's work. For example, if a man of God prays for you and the prayers is not yet answered, your personal prayers can make God to answer your prayers.


The above points will only add to those you already know.
Generally it is important to always pray all the time to get connected to God.

Sing this song with me to get started.

"Prayers is the key
Prayers is the key
Prayers is the master key
Jesus started with prayers
And ended with prayers
Prayers is the master keyeeeeeee"

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Jemia Irene

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