6 ways to identify fake Christians

6 ways to identify fake Christians

Gloryoflightministry church members
Gloryoflightministry church Members

As there are many fake pastors, Prophets and preachers of the Gospel nowadays, they are equally fake Christians in Church.

Today I will give you some points on how to spot these fake Christians.

The six ways to identify fake Christians include:

  1. They don't take part in any Church activity

  2. They close from Church before time.

  3. They are Miracle seekers.

  4. They  absent from church with no Good reason.

  5. They don't respect church laws.

  6. They attend church only in times of trouble.

If you notice any of the above altitude from any Christian, it means he or she is not serious, he or she is a passive and not active Christian.

Also read: 15 ways to identify fake pastors, Prophets and preachers of the Gospel

Jemia Irene

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