Ways to preach the gospel of God. By Mbah Derick.

Ways to preach the gospel of God.
By Brother Mbah Derick.

There are many ways to preach the word of God which I will share with you today.

When you can read and understand the Bible, you can be a preacher by sharing what you read with other people. 

2Timothy  chapter 4 1 to 2 has this to say.

"1 In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and because he is coming to rule as King, I solemnly urge you" "2, to preach the message, to insist upon proclaiming it (whether the time is right or not), to convince, reproach, and encourage, as you teach with all patience."

From the chapter above, the Bible asked every servant of God to preach the gospel any time anywhere.

The ways I will be teaching you  to proclaim the word of God are simple and straightforward but before I get there, I will give you a vivid difference between A pastor and a preacher.

A pastor

A pastor is someone who owns a  church, that is a spiritual father of a church. He/she performs duties of a preacher and other duties of a church. He oversees the church.

A preacher

A preacher is someone who teaches the gospel in church and can also move from one place to another. A preacher can also be any one who reads, practice and teaches the word of God to others.

From the above differences, it's clear that you and I can be preachers as far as we read practice and understand the Bible. So here are some of the ways you can preach the gospel.

  1. Living by example.

  2. Teaching in the church or from place to place.

  3. By writing.

  4. Doing videos.

1, Living by example:  This is one way to pass the message of  God to people around you. Living by example means practicing the word of God. If you don't practice the word of God, when you preach many people will not believe you. Mathew 5 vs 16 says let your light shine before men so that they may see my good work and glorify my name in heaven. 

Living by example can make many who admire your ways to turn to God.

2, Teaching in the Church or from place to place: One way to spread the message of God is to become an Evergelist. The  Bible says go into the word and multiple my word.

3, By writing:  If you are not good at speaking, you can preach the word of God by writing short messages about God, books and make  available to people via the internet. This can be done on social media or websites.

4, Doing video: You can do videos that spread the message of God and publish on social media. Just watching a message, someone can give his or her life to Jesus.

The above ways are some of the few best ways you can preach the gospel of God. Many people think to preach the word of God is only done by a pastor or an Evergelist. If you can read , practice and understand the Bible, then, you can also preach what you understood to others.

Thanks for reading.

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