How to become An approved worker of God

How to become An approved worker of God

Approve worker of God
Sunday service

Many people work today in churches to please men or to be approved by men which is very wrong in the eye of God.

An approved worker of God is someone who works for God to approve him and not Man.

Today we are going to talk about an approved worker of God,as a child of God you need to do all possible means to leave a holy life for God to approve you. Our lesson will come from the book of 2 Timothy 2:14,16,26, which I'm going to give some points which will be seen below.

Definition of approve

 Approve, it's something that can only be accepted by another person who is bigger than you or the rest for the good work you have done,for example God approving you for great work you have done.

Things  to do to  become an approved worker of God

  1. you most study the word of God frequently

  2. we most depart from iniquity or sins

  3. we most avoid Godless gathering 

  4. we most stop pr-marital sex


1, you most study the word of frequently: for God alone to approve you,for more details read Joshua 1:8

2, we must depart from iniquity or sins for God to approve you: the Bible says in proverb 28:13 that sins is what take us away from God present.Many of our youths today have engaged themselves in scams,prostitotion,lies telling.

3, we most avoid Godless gathering: places , worldly discussion, worldly things for God to approve you,for more reference read 2 Corinthians 6:14

4, you most stop pr-marital sex: if you want God to approve you,as a child of God that you want Him to approve you stay away from sexual immorality unless you are married James 4:4 said it all

 Also read: Why prayers are not answered by God


 If you want God to approve you follow the above steps,for we are in end time,is high time you  make a decision to follow God , surrender your life to God so that he will approve you Jesus mighty name Amen

By Sis Ayang C

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