Who is our true enemy

Who is our true enemy

Who is our true enemy

Who is our true enemy

Many of us consider humans as their enemies  and at times we even separate from people, relatives, friends saying they are our enemies but when God created man and woman He blessed them and He didn't call them enemies but called them mankind ( Gen5:2) and gave them authorities over the earth. We see from the beginning how the devil deceived eve to eat the forbidden fruit(Gen 3:3-8) and eve lures adam to it. 

 Most of us we allow ourselves to be use by the devil thus serving as an agent that is why we can bare hatred, jelousy,  plots, etc against one another which could eventually lead to witchcraft ( 1John5:19). The bible says in (Ephesians6:12) that we shouldn't restle against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers. 

Are humans not flesh and blood?? And what are principalities and powers? (Spirit) *that is the devil* that is why our weapon is not canal but they are our faith in the word of God( verse 17). Therefore brethren we should be aware of the devices of the enemy because his existence will be till he is cast into the lake of fire.( Rev20:10).

Thus let's love one another as ourselves and even our so called enemies( Math5:44) and our prayers should be channel in fighting the evil spirit( devil) that is in them so they may be save for the kingdom of God and may the name of the Lord be praise.

 By so doing let's learn to love and pray for one another inorder not to give room to the deceit of the devil.
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 #Women voice for kingdom purpose#

Jemia Irene

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